The Deadline for Submitting the Proposals has Past: 40 Complete Proposals Submitted


Following the online call for proposals on the official website of Iran-India Scientific and Technological Cooperation (, a large number of researchers from both countries submitted their proposals to the email managed by Secretariat of Iran-India Scientific & Technological Cooperation. The proposals underwent a first round of general investigation to ensure that the all the necessary information have been provided and the suggested format has been observed. In cases where there were significant deviances, the researchers were asked to revise their proposals or add the missing information. Overall, 40 complete proposals were submitted to the Secretariat of Iran-India Scientific & Technological Cooperation until 15th May 2017, which was the deadline for sending the proposals.
The submitted proposals will be reviewed by a team of Iranian and Indian experts in several specialized areas. Each proposal would be assigned to the experts in that specific field of study for detailed investigation with regard to the feasibility of the project, significance of the findings, as well as the structure and method of research. The decisions of the Joint committee regarding the 10 proposals which would be supported will be finalized by Mid-October 2017. The researchers will be immediately notified of the evaluation results.

Points of interest in Iran

map iran-intrest

Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


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